Apex Perseus™

Slay the Incidental Complexity at the Heart of Software

Apex PerseusTM is a powerful package management and interactive build tool designed with developers of complex distributed, enterprise and decentralized software applications in mind.

Apex Perseus provides a number of useful entry points for code generation, package management for the supported script languages of both runtimes, a specialized “Data Explorer REPL” that allows you to experiment iteratively with turning unstructured data into structured data suitable for use in ForeverDB, and a command line SPARQL query engine—among other powerful features.

Like other embeddable, extensible components of OlymposTM, Apex Perseus is included in Unify!TM as well as DomainMasterTM, so if you are using either, you can find it both as a command line application, and its features embedded in your favorite language in Apex AthenaTM or Apex MuseTM in the form of several APIs and SDKs.

Apex Perseus can be highly customized to meet the needs of diverse IT teams across your organization. For example, Administrators can extend it as a kind of “power” shell for routine and periodic tasks. DevOps engineers can build tasks and commands into it tailored to your organization’s development practices for continuous delivery. Developers can automate tedious integration tasks like parsing existing code and generating new code or working with custom tools not found outside your organization.

The sky is literally the limit. Apex Perseus can build Apex Athena/Apex Muse and Delphi projects out of the box, and is extensible in Apex Athena/Apex Muse languages and native Delphi and C++ to become your tool of first resort to tackle any complexity unique to your environment.


  • Apex MetaGrep—like traditional Unix ‘grep’ but generalized to any tree structure (file system, registry, environment variables, even NoSQL databases).
  • Apex MetaTree, a unique tree-like data structure for in-memory manipulation of large data documents. All supported data exchange formats in Apex Perseus are translatable to/from Apex MetaTree and available to all Apex runtime engines.
  • Apex MetaPath, a powerful query engine for data in any format that can be converted to/from Apex MetaTree. Like XPath, but not limited to XML.
  • A unique “data explorer”-style REPL suitable for turning CSV data into RDF/linked data.
  • A from-scratch implementation of the popular Mustache templating engine; think XSLT, but without the tight coupling to XML. With full Apex MetaTree compatibility, so you can turn any data into… well, anything.
  • Apex Perseus comes with its own built-in, native SPARQL query engine.
  • Extensible, Mustache-based template system for custom generation of artifacts from data.
  • Create new Apex Athena/Apex Muse projects, optionally including native extensions, and rapidly create linked-data or traditional micro-services on our Helios micro-server framework.


  • Stay focused on your problem domain, not on orthogonal concerns.
  • Use the Apex Perseus command line utility to streamline important steps in the process of creating data-centric microservices and data adapters for Synchronicity.
  • Faster time to market with amazing low-level frameworks and features that until now have not been easily available in commodity form, baked right into your favorite scripting language.
  • Turn Apex Perseus into precisely what your development teams need to tackle the hardest problems in your domain.